Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Introducing Siphonophore

Siphonophore is a very interesting "thing". Its a physical computing installation, which is made for exploring certain relationships between dependent colonial organisms. It was developed by Ermis Adamantidis, Madhav Kidao and Marios Tsiliakos as a part of the MSc Adaptive Architecture and Computation course at Bartlett, University College London. To be honest, you'll have to see it for yourself. It's not something you can really explain without using at least three A4's.

This project definitely deserves to be nominated, is very likely the category winner and over all winner? Well, to be honest, this might be a bit too different for that.

I don't really want to write much about this, because what I really want is to force you to watch the following video. Weird, but so cool!

Digital Ecologies - Siphonophore from Madhav Kidao on Vimeo.


  1. A balloon designed not to bump into things! :D

    This has so much potential in robotics, entertainment and the military as well as science and it definitely deserves its nomination.

    The most important question for the creators of this jelly fish would be; What's the next step?

    I would imagine making it possible for the colony to be programmed to be attracted to certain elements and steer away from others. In other words, to posess likes and dislikes.

  2. I immediately thought of flying cities with that "intelligence". That's my imagination going wild, but it would make sense!
