Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Graz trip - practical arrangements

This post is for practical travel info:
  • if you have questions, add them as comments
  • if you have solutions, edit this post and add them under a new subtitle
Who is travelling with whom to Graz?
To be able to plan joint trips to and from Helsinki you need to know who travels when.

So there are two groups, and Mikael will join both.

I and 14 students: Kaistinen, Abdi, Delahay, Lopez Carcia, Tikkanen, Kareinen, Ahlamo, Korhonen, Liu, Kuismin, Peltola, Turppa, Wilhelmsson, Hopkins will travel via Vienna.

Also Mikael will join this group on the way to Graz.

Everybody should check in around 13:00, departure 14:40. We will meet at the gate 14:00.
This group (without Mikael) will be back in Helsinki Sunday evening 23:35.

The other group flying via to Graz via Frankfurth and back via München is Norman, Heino, Koskela and Pantovic + Mikael on the return flight.

They departure already 13:25 and should check in by noon. They will be back in Helsinki 23:05.

This group will probably not make the 23:10 bus to Tampere, so most of us will take the 00:15 bus on Monday morning. I recommend you reserve a seat in advance, the bus can be crowded if all 20 of us will be there.

We will have a meeting after next week to discuss all the travel and festival details.

Buses and bus tickets:

Sharing rooms
Please add room mates below, two on each row:
Anna Tikkanen - Henry Kuismin
Johanna Peltola - Amir Abdi
GuanJun Liu - Neil Hopkins
Eeva-Kaisa Ahlamo - Eevi Korhonen
Anayte Delahay - Nelli Norman
Markus Turppa - Aleksi Kaistinen
Miska Wilhelmsson - Tero Koskela
Antti Kareinen - Danko Pantovic

Travel insurance
You should take a travel insurance covering at least medical expenses and your personal possessions.

New 3.11: How to transfer from airport to hotel Daniel
I asked Paul Pivec, our friend at FH Joanneum what would be the best way to move to the hotel, which is next to the railwaystation, (Bahnhof in Austrian) I've made the trip by train or taxi, unfortunately there is no tram line to airport.

Paul replied:
The train from the airport is okay, but a bit of a walk for the airport building. I am sure there is a ticket machine on the platform (€1.90). There is also a bus (also €1.90) from the airport to the Bahnhof ( where Hotel Daniel is). but it may be cheaper to put 4 or 5 in a taxi and share the cost. A taxi will be around 20 euros to Hotel Daniel. There are train and bus timetables on the Graz Flughafen web site.
(Flughafen = airport in Austrian)

Wednesday evening
Paul: We can meet you at the hotel at 7:30ish and take you all for a beer. We can get the Tram to the city (or walk if it is not raining) and we will buy the first round. This will give the students a chance to orientate themselves. Other than that, we don't have anything else planned.
(By city Paul means the awesome old town. By We Paul means himself and his wife, Maja. They arranged the Game Development Summer school hosted by IMP August/September. Maja has visited us many times. They work at our partner FH Joanneum (Joanneum UAS) which is among our best partners.)

You'll have a good, lasting, all-around hotel breakfast at Daniel. On Thursday you have lunch at the Academic Network Conference, that is included in the participation fee IMP has paid for you.
About Friday and Saturday Lucie, the Project Manager of the Multimedia Festival tells you:
"Friday & Saturday there will be coffee, cookies & fruits but we will provide a list of places where to have lunch in the neighbourhood. Saturday evening, there will be a cocktail with finger food."

Questions and Answers

All questions to Cai about the assignment should be added as comments to this post.

Question: I can't put name to You're Next by Frydmen (animation section)
Please help me Cai, you're my only hope. - Neil
Cai said...
You could not, before I made you admin. Now you can. (I can't be here all the time. After you have accepted the invitation please wait until I have made you admin, then you can edit posts by me and others. Untile then you can only comment and post own stories

Planning the interview together

It is a good idea you prepare the interviews together. You will of course have questions about the projects, but  all of you might have some general questions; add your ideas here:
(also Albert, Ansu and Vasia participate in this)

What to do - the assignment

A view from Graz Center of Culture
Students traveling to Graz
  • Follow for updates
  • Choose one of the nominee projects not yet chosen by anyone else
  • Add your name after the nominee on the nominee list on this blog. Make your name bold and red.
  • Post an introduction of the nominee of your choice to this blog before the festival. Also write your opinion of the project: Does it deserve to be nominated? Can it be category winner? Over all winner?
  • Comment on introductions written by others
  • At the festival, be active at all events. (You are however allowed to leave parties 11pm and go to sleep). You are welcome to exchange news and experiences with  other IMPs, but please realize this is your chance to network with students and professionals from all over Europe. I can assure you you will benefit in the future from having a friend in every country.
  • Prepare an interview with the team that has made the project of your choice beforehand. Send an email you want to make the interview beforehand. 
  • Make the interview and post it on this blog
  • Comment the interviews made by others
  • Help in all ways the IMPs who stay home to prepare their report
  • After coming home, send an email to all the new friends you made. If you promised to send photos or links, send them! (There are two kinds of people: those who are serious net-workers and keep their promises, and those who promise everything but do nothing. My advice is you make it to the first category.) 
Albert, Ansu and Vasia:
  • Follow for updates
  • Comment on posts on this blog written by others
  • Follow IMPs@Graz on Facebook, Twitter, where-ever
  • Make the learning report from EUROPRIX Multimedia Festival 2010 in Graz with text and photos. The format you can decide. It can be a document, a diary, a website, you decide. 
  • The IMPs traveling to Graz are your assistants committed to provide you with all the information and aid you need.

The nominees


A Lost And Found Box of Human Sensation - Amir
A Lost And Found Box of Human Sensation
Stefan Leuchtenberg
Dancing Squirrel GbR , Augsburg , Germany
בקרוב אצלך
You're Next
Keren Frydman
Holon Institute of Technology (H.I.T.) , Tel Aviv , Israel
Neil Hopkins
הקרנה פרטית
Private screening
Anat Shinar
Holon Institute of Technology (H.I.T.) , Tel Aviv , Israel

Computer Graphics & Design

A beautiful bloody sound
A beautiful bloody sound
Joan Masoliver
London College of communication , London , United Kingdom
Henri Kuismin
Lada Niva: Roscosmos Edition 1-3 - Danko Pantovic
Lada Niva: Roscosmos Edition 1-3
Florian Werzinksi, Christoph Schmidt, Christoph Schmidt, Florian Friedrich Dünzen, Alke Marianne Scherrmann
Georg-Simon-Ohm Hochschule für angewndte Wissenschaften - Fachhochschule Nürnberg , Nürnberg , Germany

Content Tools and Interface Design

iko, le compagnon des collégiens
iko, The Pupil's Best Friend GuanJun
Arnaud Tanielian, Solène Bellégo, Jocelyn Lecamus, Claire Sidoli, Sébastien Bourdu,
Gobelins, l'école de l'image , Paris , France
Expo Shanghai terminalai
Expo Shanghai terminals
Ieva Padegimaite, Andrius Alciauskas, Edmundas Stundzius, Rokas Grigaliunas, Tomas Beniusis , Julija Kameneckaite
Gaumina , Vilnius , Lithuania
NiCE Formula Editor
NiCE Formula Editor
Christian Rendl, Florian Perteneder, Robert Zeleznik
Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, Media Interaction Lab , Hagenberg , Austria


Mole Control - Eevi Korhonen
Mole Control
Ella Romanos, Martin Darby, Andy Russel, Matthew Beakes
Remode Limited , Plamouth , United Kingdom
Max & the Magic Marker - Markus Turppa
Max & the Magic Marker
Rune Dittmer, Mikkel Thorsted, Ole Teglbjaerg, Lasse Outzen
Press Play , Copenhagen , Denmark
Liquorious - Aleksi Kaistinen
Rene Baumgartner, Fabian Bergner
Salzburg University of Applied Sciences , Salzburg , Austria

Interactive Installations

Erlebbarmachen Abstrakter Information
Experiencing Abstract Information - Antti Kareinen
Stefan Kuzaj, Jochen Winkler
Hochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch Gmünd , Schwäbisch Gmünd , Germany
Whispering Table - Anayte Delahay
Willy Sengewald, Frederic Eyl, Gunna Green, Dominik Schumacher
TheGreenEyl , Berlin , Germany
Siphonophore - Riku Heino
Ermis Adamantidis, Marios Tsiliakos, Madhav Kidao,
UCL Bartlett School of Graduate Studies - Adaptive Architecture & Computation , London , United Kingdom

Mobile Content and Applications

zapDial - Miska Wilhelmsson
Stefan Wasserbauer
University of applied sciences Hagenberg , Linz , Austria
Yummy - Johanna
Muriel Bougherdani, Sylvain Bernardi, Marie Laurent, Nicolas Pigelet, Yannis Smesny
Gobelins, l'école de l'image , Paris , France
Faustine Clavert
Gobelins, l'école de l'image , Paris , France

Online & Digital video/TV

LeCo - Interaktives videobasiertes Sprachenlernen
LeCo - Interactive video based language learning
Krister Hymon, Hyun-Suk Cho, Simon Kufner
University for Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern, Zweibrücken , Heidelberg , Germany
Eeva-Kaisa Ahlamo
Schwarz wie Milch
Black Like Milk Angel Lopez
Stefan Kempas
University of Applied Sciences , Ulm , Germany

Roots & Routes Tero Koskela
Roots & Routes
Aileen Wessely
Universität zu Köln , Köln , Germany

Online web projects

HotGloo - The Online Wireframe App -Nelli
HotGloo - The Online Wireframe App
Hannes Höß, Wolf Becvar
Hot Gloo , Hamburg , Germany
Topit - Anna T.
Einat Dotan, Ira Morstyn, Dany Koren
H.I.T - Holon Institute of Technology , Ramat Gan
La Vie d'Après
La Vie d'Après
Paul Chabert, Vincent Lappartient, Pierre Olivier Guérin
Institut International of Multimédia , Neuilly sur seine , France